Saturday, March 22, 2014

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Hurray for Pizza

Ive made pizza before, of course, and theres not too much new for me to say about. I used the pizza dough here, which I think I prefer to the one here. I definitely recommend the making of 6 batches and freezing them thing. Weve also started making 6 batches and dividing it into 8, as were trying to eat a bit less these day, with only middling success it has to be admitted.

This one was first smeared with tomato sauce, then topped with dried tomatoes (soaked in boiling water first) as the fresh ones are finished for us now, a piece of buffalo pepperoni sliced up, slices of the last zucchini from the garden (sautéed), one of the Alma peppers sliced and slightly sautéed, and the last of the eggplant from the garden, also sliced and sautéed. Oh, and mozzerella and cheddar cheese, and a good sprinkle of oregano.

Thats the great thing about pizza. You take your scraps of this and that, apply to the dough and sauce and top with cheese, and youve got something fabulous. Those last eggplants were really pretty small and ratty, and I debated throwing them in the compost, but they were delicious on the pizza. Same with that zucchini (except it was big and ratty). And of course, pizza will change from season to season... but its always a favourite.

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