Wednesday, January 29, 2014

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How to make yogurt in winters

You need
1/2 litre milk (previously boiled is ideal)
Few small pots / cups (4-5)
1 heaped teaspoon of yogurt with live cultures

  • Warm the milk to a temperature where you can keep your little finger immersed in milk for 10 seconds - this will be considerably warmer than room temperature but one which is easily tolerable by your (clean) little finger.
  • Add the yogurt to this pan of milk and with a hand whisk, whisk well till combined and frothy.
  • Pour into small cups / containers and keep covered in a warm place like an oven or microwave for 6 hours. You could also set in small sized casseroles or kiddie hot-pack lunch boxes. 

Top 5 tips to make yogurt at home in winters
  1. Make sure the milk is reasonably warm.
  2. Set in smaller cups as this sets quicker than one large pot of yogurt.
  3. You could place the cups in a tray filled with warm water so the setting process starts off quickly.
  4. Adding a piece of green chilli to each cup also helps set the yogurt better. Dont worry, it wont make the yogurt spicy.
  5. Keep in a draught free place like the oven or the microwave. Dont turn on the oven by mistake though!

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